
Cartridge Box

Your brand, your identity…

With orange's cartridgebox program, we will design the packaging and private brand label based on your requirements and consistent with your brand guidelines. This is the best choice for those organizations looking to market, promote and sell their own branded product line. With every sale you will be promoting your company consistent with your go-to-market strategy.

By utilizing a cartridge box program, you will be able to strengthen your brand identity while differentiating yourself in the marketplace. Most importantly, by having a unique brand no other company offers, you will have control of your profitability while growing your business.

Printer Servicing & AMC

Orange provides support services to customers in hyderabad, for their installed bases of Printers& Scanners.

We provide repair services to any make and type of Printers with any problem. Followings are some of the types of printers we repairs.

Inkjet Printer

Scaner & Printer

Laser Priner

Dot Matrix Printer

Color Laser Printer